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Jessica Diallo

Fit Frosties Start the Day with a Jog

Friday, October 25, 2013

Physical Education teacher Eric Indiciani leads a pack of “Fit Frosties” as they jog around Robert Frost and the surrounding neighborhood.

When Robert Frost Elementary came up with the idea for a new club that would require students to arrive at school nearly an hour early every Thursday morning to come in and exercise, nobody knew if anybody would show up.  When October 10th rolled around, however, the first meeting of the Fit Frosties Club was called to order and more than 80 enthusiastic youngsters appeared in the gym, ready to wake up their bodies and brains with warm-up exercises and a jog around the building.  They were joined by teacher and parent volunteers.  When the temperature drops below 30 degrees, or if there is significant snow, rain and/or lightening, the group will continue to train indoors.  The goal is to get in shape for an end-of-the-school-year 5K, which will benefit student health and education.  Details will be forthcoming. Source:

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