“Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop likened books to windows ‘offering views of worlds that may be real or imagined, familiar or strange’ but also noted that ‘when lighting conditions are just right, a window can also be a mirror.’ The Many Voices classroom library has given us the perfect lighting for both - inspiring empathy, engagement, and social justice for all.”
Bethany Morris, 5th Grade Teacher, Emerson World Cultures Magnet School
The Many Voices: Diverse Classroom Book Project began in 2019 and is a collaboration of the Westerville Education Foundation, Westerville Partners for Education, the Westerville Public Library, Birdie Books and Westerville Educators. In 2020, thanks to community support and generous sponsorship from Alliance Data, Many Voices was able to provide more than 2,200 diverse books in more than 100 classrooms in Westerville City Schools.
The demand for Many Voices continues to grow and we need your help to meet the need. Our goal is to raise $20,000 by April 1 to support our 2022 Many Voices Program. Please consider a donation today: https://www.westervilleeducationfoundation.com/ways-to-give
For more information on Many Voices:
Visit our Many Voices webpage: https://www.westervilleeducationfoundation.com/many-voices
Read this 2021 Dispatch Article: https://www.dispatch.com/story/news/local/communities/westerville/2021/08/20/many-voices-westerville-education-foundation-project-helps-teachers-expand-classroom-libraries/5563091001/
Contact Colleen Moidu at ExecutiveDirector@WestervilleEducationFoundation.com